3, 2, 1…

On 21 April 2013 By

This has been an interesting and very surprising recent few weeks. I have raced three times over four weeks to kick off my 2013 race season (proudly wearing my Team BSR colors!) and there were many question marks going into this season (primarily around my Achilles).

First up was the XTERRA Camp Eagle where I […]

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This is my third race of this crazy hot summer and my first where the outcome made a difference to anything but my ego.  I came into this race with a slight chance of getting enough points to qualify for XTERRA USA Championships in my hometown of Ogden, Utah where I had a miserable race […]

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In the lab

On 12 August 2011 By

I have never been a big fan of invasive lab testing to determine thresholds, maxes, etc for athletes. I prefer field testing on terrain and in conditions that are reasonably consistent, but always easier to manage and less costly. I have recently been invited to participate in a supplement study for a major food and […]

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Colorado Training Camp ’06

On 15 February 2011 By

As planning for the upcoming training camps progresses, I thought I would revisit a great training camp from a few years ago.  The basic idea for the camp was to start and end the camp with a race.  I was coming from SF and meeting my training partners in Boulder, so I planned to stop […]

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As I have now left the urban concrete jungle of London for the mountains of Colorado, it is very appropriate that I turn my attention to mountain biking (especially since I am not able to run for the next several months).  With that in mind, I decided to build up from the frame, a new […]

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Training in Kona

On 20 October 2010 By

Based on my recent trip to sort of participate in the Ironman World Championships, this is summary of the training camp qualities and opportunities.

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From the press review and the clamour to buy one, it seems this new development by Trek has really hit the mark. It is obviously a nicely designed bike that looks fast and comes in lots of variations and price points. Add to the hoopla of the TDF around the corner and seeing Mr. Armstrong […]

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Training Camps

On 3 June 2010 By

I have been doing my own training camps for several years, with camps in Colorado, Texas, France, Greece and Mallorca. All of those camps were tough and had some good and bad aspects. What I intend to do in this series is to review the camps I have completed so that I can share my […]

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