In the lab

On 12 August 2011 By

I have never been a big fan of invasive lab testing to determine thresholds, maxes, etc for athletes. I prefer field testing on terrain and in conditions that are reasonably consistent, but always easier to manage and less costly. I have recently been invited to participate in a supplement study for a major food and […]

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Readjusting to injury

On 7 February 2011 By

So, it has been 9 months since I injured my femur and I am still unable to run with no signs of running until this summer.  How did what seemed to be a simple case of ITB syndrome become something that has caused me to redefine my athletic goals in the near and long term? […]

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Training in Kona

On 20 October 2010 By

Based on my recent trip to sort of participate in the Ironman World Championships, this is summary of the training camp qualities and opportunities.

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Hello world!

On 22 August 2010 By

Welcome to Cycle2tri, we are busy building the site..stay tuned…lots of new on upcoming training camps, with training camps in Hawaii, the Alps and training camps in the USA

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My Coaching Service

On 19 April 2010 By

I have been working with cyclists and triathletes for several years now and I have usually just focused on developing my service through word of mouth. Over the course of the last couple of years, I have tossed around the idea of getting a web presence, but haven’t gotten much if anything done beyond some […]

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