Skills? Who needs them

On 9 December 2014 By

A recent tweet from Ironman that had a phrase like this – 80miles with no turns, a triathletes dream and a good reason to sign up for IM CDA. My initial impression of that tweet was not fit for print or speaking, as I really hate the degradation of the sport to the lowest denominator […]

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Recovery – A new approach

On 6 November 2014 By

Recovery is well discussed as necessary for top performance in an endurance athlete, but I believe it is really misunderstood (by me too!). There are many methods and ideas on how to best recover from hard sessions and most boil down to rest and a bit of movement to get the natural recovery process going. […]

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Kona – the quest

On 20 May 2014 By

Racing in Kona – the big island, brings many different emotions to triathletes and many other endurance athletes. It’s a place of legend for some and often-legendary conditions that have put many people to the test of their life. Images from the early races there, with people shown collapsing as they approached the finished impacted […]

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Being Prepared

On 19 December 2013 By

A few months ago, I had an interaction with a pro triathlete that began from him claiming his race was destroyed due to a poor response from the neutral support. I gave him some advice that was not taken well. After that exchange, I began to think more about what it means to be prepared […]

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Dealing with Disappointment 2.0

On 11 November 2013 By

 This is the second world championships race in the Hawaiian Islands that I have made the trip and been unable to race.  In 2010, I went to Kona with a fractured femur (unknown prior to the trip) and could not race. The blow to missing Kona after spending a couple of years knocking on the […]

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What a pain in my legs

On 29 March 2013 By

Sometimes you just don’t know when a tiny little bit of discomfort is the beginning of a real problem, and if you are me, you should know. Well, back in September of 2012, I began to feel a bit of discomfort in both or one of the other Achilles when I would start running.  It […]

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Readjusting to injury

On 7 February 2011 By

So, it has been 9 months since I injured my femur and I am still unable to run with no signs of running until this summer.  How did what seemed to be a simple case of ITB syndrome become something that has caused me to redefine my athletic goals in the near and long term? […]

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Technology & Training

On 15 February 2010 By

How badly do we need technology when we train? For most triathletes and cyclists, information from various devices are part of the basic feedback we need to understand what our bodies are experiencing. Training is often structured around the technology (i.e, using power to establish effort on the bike, or pace for running efforts). Heart […]

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